Panel Discussion on Sustainability

Green Beauty. We use this term so flippantly, but what does it mean to truly be sustainable? I think step number 1 to better understand sustainable beauty is understanding the word sustainable. Despite the fluff and green washing out there, there are metrics to look to for a better understanding. This past April I moderated a panel on the topic @theecomarketkw, featured here in this podcast - featuring Dr. Rene Van Acker, Dean of the OAC at the University of Guelph, Truzaar Dordi, financial sustainability PhD candidate at the University of Waterloo, Dr. Brian Doucet, Canada Research Chair in Urban Change and Social Inclusion in the School of Planning at the University of Waterloo, and Dr. Stacey Danckert, co-Director of WREN (Waterloo Region Environment Network). We broke down this topic - What does sustainability really mean?